Problems with the unit – Cause & Solution
As problems occur with the operation of the unit, you can use the following possible solutions to aid in the
troubleshooting of the problem. You may be required to utilize this information in conjunction with the service
calibration procedures to accurately troubleshoot the source of the problem.
Cannot turn ON the power to the unit.
Cord is unplugged
Check the power input cord connections and or verify with a
or loose
known good power cord.
Fuses on back
Verify that the fuses are not defective and if so, please replace
panel defective
the defective fuses with the appropriate sizes as marked on the
back panel of the monitor. (Slow blow type only)
Sheet Switch Defective
Verify that the ON and OFF buttons are not stuck, and that you
can feel the depression of the dome as each button is pressed.
Transformer may
Verify the voltages at the output of the transformer
be defective
Power supply defective
Verify the output voltages of the power supply, also check pin 6
to pin 8 of the power supply as the front switch ON is de
pressed the signal should be pulled low.
Main board defective
If pin 6 is not pulled low as the ON switch is depressed and
pin 31 of CN1 is pulled low. Then replace the main board.
The unit overheats
The unit is too close
Remove objects that are too close to the bottom of the unit.
to its surroundings
The battery is defective
Replace defective battery. If battery draws too much current
overheating may occur.
The unit will not operate on battery power.
Defective battery
Remove and battery door and clean and check connections.
The battery is defective
Replace defective battery.
Blown F1 fuse on
Replace defective 3A fuse.
Power supply