Press the power switch located in the lower right hand corner of the front panel of the monitor. All LED's
will light up and "SELF-TEST" and the Press-Mate's current software revision will be displayed on the
LCD list screen. There will be three (3) beeping sounds at this time.
The blood pressure measurement operation can be started when "0" is displayed in the mean window.
: On the MS Series units, "0" will be displayed in the diastolic window. Note that the temperature on the
8800FP displays is always off when the thermometer probe is in the probe chamber.
Install one or two packages of probe covers in the holder located on top of the Temp-Mate for 8800MS,
and next to the temperature LED display on the 8800F.
8800MS: Attach tether from Genius to Temp-Mate.
8800SAT: Confirm the unit has adequate battery power. To check the level of charge remaining in the
battery, with the N-20P turned on, hold the battery check button down for 2 seconds. The percentage of
lighted segments in the pulse amplitude indicator approximates the battery charge: all segments light with
fully charged batteries. If the batteries need to be replaced refer to section 4.
8800SAT: Verify proper clock setting on N-20P.
8800SAT: Connect the sensor cable into the sensor port on
the N-20P, close the sensor lock over the connector,
connect the appropriate sensor to the cable and attach the
sensor to the patient as described in the operation manual.
Stand Assembly
1. Slide the roll stand post through the center hole of the base.
2. Tighten the base bolt through the flat washer to secure the roll
stand post.
3. Slide basket onto roll stand post and tighten basket screws
when basket is at the desired level.
4. Attach handle to roll stand post with handle ring and screws.
5. Attach Press-Mate mount to roll stand post. The mount type
may vary from picture depending upon model.
: Stands with a 12 degree post need two screws to be
inserted through the pole to secure the post.