180 Software Overpressure Test
(Use apparatus shown in Figure 7.4)
a. Turn the power ON and wait for the “SELF TEST” to complete.
b. Set the systolic HI alarm limit to 240 and the LO alarm limit to 150.
c. Set the interval timer at 180 minutes.
d. Turn power OFF
e. Connect the monitor to test apparatus as shown in Figure 7.4.
Depress and hold the START/STOP switch while turning power on. Do not release the START/
STOP switch until the self-test is complete.
g. The unit will inflate to 180 mmHg. You have 15 seconds to increase the pressure by squeezing the
rubber bulb. Once the Overpressure limit is reached, the unit resets itself and reinflates. “C19
Pressure Error” will appear on the LCD display.
h. Acceptable limit: 320-330 mmHg.
NOTE: If it takes longer than 15 seconds to increase the pressure, “C13 Motion Artifact” will
be displayed on the LCD screen. When nearing the Overpressure point, increase the pressure
as slowly as possible to get an accurate reading. Recommendation from COLIN, insert a large
syringe into the tubing and then use the syringe for a gradual increase in pressure to help from
spiking the pressure making it difficult to recognize the actual pressure upon Overpressure
detection of the unit.
Press-Mate Model 8800 configuration for Software Overpressure Test
Figure 7.4