Quick Systolic — Consecutive Measurements
Consecutive blood pressure measurements can be made for five minutes. To avoid possible patient discomfort,
after five minutes of consecutive measurements the monitor automatically resets itself to five minute
measurement intervals.
When interval timing is set to “CON”, a quick estimation of systolic blood pressure is displayed within 12
seconds. This value is then updated as soon as the diastolic pressure is determined.
Neonatal Mode
To use the Press-Mate on neonatal patients, follow these guidelines:
1. Set the rear panel MEASUREMENT MODE switch to 'NEONATE".
2. Connect the green colored pressure hose and COLIN's disposable neonate blood pressure cuff to the
monitor and patient.
3. Standard initial inflation pressure in the neonatal mode is 120mmHg.
LCD Screen
Displays data for previous four (4) measurements; maximum of 400 lines of memory can be scrolled. Alarm
limits and error codes are also displayed on this screen.
Displays which mode the monitor is in, adult/pediatric or neonatal.
Blank Display
The front panel displays may be blanked so that patients cannot view their blood pressure values. Set the rear
panel DISPLAY switch to "OFF". The cuff pressure will still be displayed in the Mean LED (Diastolic for
8800MS/MSP) window as the unit inflates.