C8000 Battery Testing System User Manual
Test Type
Description of the Test Type Function
of the step action)
Total Capacity
Requires capacity value.
(Percentage) (Default: "0%")
Compares the latest calculated Capacity value for the
service against the capacity value entered into the
program. Note: If the service "Capacity Value" is "N/A"
the test will not be performed. (Test is performed at the
end of the step action)
Loop Counter
Requires Counter Value parameter
(Value)(Default "0")
Compares the Loop Counter value against the parameter
value entered in the program. (Test is performed at the
end of the step action)
Requires Voltage value parameter
(V) (Default "0.000v)
Compares the current "Voltage" reading from the
channel to the entered voltage level in the program.
Comparison is conducted every 100mS from the start of
the program step.
Requires Current value parameter
(A) (Default "0.000A)
Compares the current "Current" reading from the
channel to the entered Current level in the program.
Comparison is conducted every 100mS, 5 seconds after
the start of the program step.
Requires Temperature value
parameter (°C) (Default "0°C)
Compares the current "Temperature" reading from the
channel to the entered Temperature value in the
program. Comparison is conducted every 10s from the
start of the program step.
Requires Temperature value
parameter (°C) (Default "0°C)
Compares the difference, between the current
"Temperature" reading from the channel to the first
temperature value taken at the being of the step, against
the Temperature value in the program. Comparison is
conducted every 10s from the start of the program step.
Requires resistance value stated in
m-ohms (m-ohms) (Default "0-
Compares the Impedance value (generated by an
OhmTest/Impedance step or by an automated Ohmtest)
against the value entered in the program. Comparison is
conducted on the completion of the step action.
Aux Port
Requires Selection of input channel
& type. Plus the Voltage value
parameter (V) (Default "0.000v) for
analog inputs and HIGH(1)/LOW(0)
selection for digital inputs.
Analog port selection; Compares the Voltage level from
the specified Analog Port against the Voltage level
specified with in the program; Digital Port Selection;
Compares the Digital level against the value specified
with in the program. Comparison is conducted every
100mS from the start of the program step.
Aux Port Diff
Requires Selection of input channel
& type. Plus the Voltage value
parameter (V) (Default "0.000v) for
analog inputs and HIGH(1)/LOW(0)
selection for digital inputs.
Analog port selection; Compares the difference, of two
specified Analog ports, against the Voltage level value
specified within the program step. Digital Port Selection;
is ON (1) or OFF(0)
Variable Test
Requires; Selection of possible five
numerical counters (A~E) and a
numerical value. (Default: "0")
Compares the selected Variable (Numerical Counter)
against the enter numerical value in the step.
Comparison is done of the step action
Variable Diff
Requires; Selection of two of the
possible five numerical counters
(A~E) and a numerical value.
Compares the difference, between two selected variable
counters, against the numeric value enter in the step.
Comparison is done of the step action