4 . T S M S e r v i c e P r o g r a m
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SW9xx_SM_Chapter 4-2-1_1_2010.doc/pdf <110301> yymmdd
B. Braun Avitum AG
SW 9.xx
Test 1.1 Staff Call, Alarms, Power Off
Activate the Staff Call/Alarms/Power Off menu
with the Staff Call/Alarms/Power Off key in
the LL Manual Test menu. The following menu
is displayed.
Check the functions with the appropriate keys.
Staff Call/
Acoustical Alarm
Water Side Power OFF
Blood Side Power OFF
Remote Power OFF
+12 VAN Control
-12 VAN Control
Staff Call/Acoustical Alarm
The staff call can be activated with the PRUF/PRUF-S
signal and the acoustical alarm can be switched
separately with the ACAL/ACAL-S signal by the controller
and supervisor.
Water Side Power OFF
The low level supervisor can test the power off for the 24
V supply voltage with the D24OFF-S signal for the
dialysate side power off. The feedback to the controller
(ON/OFF) shows whether the voltage was switched.
Blood Side Power OFF
The low level supervisor can test the power off for the 24
V supply voltage with the B24OFF-S signal for the blood
side power off. The feedback to the controller (ON/OFF)
shows whether the voltage was switched.
Remote Power OFF
The REMOTE signal for the remote power off can be
activated by the controller. The machine is switched off
by the internal real time clock RTC. The machine is
switched on again after the shortest time period (approx.
64 s) has expired. The machine can be switched on
immediately, if the machine is switched off and on again.
12 VAN Control
The digital board has an integrated voltage monitoring
for the analog
12 VAN from the SMPS-MC. A self test
for the
12 VAN is performed during preparation. The
12 VAN voltages are detuned during the test.
Supervisor OFF
12 VAN for the controller are ON, i.e. voltages are
ON = Voltage
+12 VAN Control / Supervisor ON
ON = Test
12 VAN Test:
+12 VAN > 13 V
-12 VAN > -11 V
-12 VAN Control / Supervisor ON
ON = Test
12 VAN Test:
+12 VAN < 11 V
-12 VAN < -13 V