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Activ. CP Relay:
Activation time of the control panel relay
Satellite address:
Select the satellite of the relay to be programmed
Relay time:
Activation time of the relay on extension
Siren address:
Select the siren of the relay to be programmed
Siren Time:
Buzzer activation time
Buzzer time:
Sound time of the buzzer of the keypads, in case it is associated to an alarm (“Activate buzzer”).
By inserting “Deactivated”, the buzzer is excluded; by setting “Bistable”, the buzzer does not deactivate after an
established time, but only after the user intervention.
Interpulse time:
Time interval within which the unbalancings necessary to activate the zones alarm will be counted
with a number of impulses greater by one.
AND ZONES Time (seconds):
It defines the time interval within which the unbalancing of the zones in “and” between
them is considered valid to cause alarm.
If times lower than 30 seconds are used, the IMQ approval becomes void.
Offset mains OFF (minutes):
It is the delay that the control panel must await from the moment network voltage
is missing, before the outputs programmed for this signal activate. Memorisation in the “events memory” happens
at the end of the delay.
DOOR Buzzer Time (seconds):
Activation time of the buzzer on keypad from the unbalancing of a zone with this
function associated.
Survival time: (Supervision time) (minutes):
supervision of the detectors via radio selectable between
(40..254min..255). It is a time interval within which the detectors via radio must be received from the control panel;
255 disables this function.
Maintenance Interval (months):
Time interval expressed in months that is reset every time one exits programming,
which upon expiry, displays on the keypads the message “SYSTEM MAINT”. The “0” value indicates that the service
is disabled.
Messages latency (hours):
the historical messages, for example the visualisation on keypad of an occurred alarm,
are displayed for the time set or until the end of the cause that generated them; upon expiry of this time-out, they
will be deleted from visualisation. Upon entering of the user code, the events memory will be displayed.
- By entering from
1 to 254
in hours, the message will remain displayed until the end of the set time.
- By entering
, the message will be displayed on keypad until the end of the cause that generated it.
- By entering
, the message will go directly into the events memory without any warning to the user
Not programmed:
the output does not activate;
the output will activate for the set time (MM = Minutes / SS = Seconds)
the output will activate for the set time (HH = Hours / MM = Minutes)
the output will activate for the set time (GG = Days / HH = Hours)
“Times” Note:
the set values may be automatically rounded off after confirmation with
to vary
to move
Enter the chosen number
to confirm
to move
Interpulse time
60 (0 . . 255)
Buzzer time
MM:SS 1 : 0
60 (0 . . 255)
Offset mains OFF
0 (0 . . 255)
Buzzer DOOR time
255 (0 . . 255)
Maintenance Per.
0 (0 . . 24)
Survival time
120 (40 . . 255)
Messages latency
255 (0 . . 255)
Activ. CP Relay
MM:SS 3 : 0
Satell. add.
1 (1 .. 8)
Activ. Relay
MM:SS 3 : 0
Siren add.
1 (1 .. 8)
Siren time
MM:SS 3 : 0
to following
from previus