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Hints on sectors management
La CAPTURE includes the management of the sectors.
This means that up to
8 system
in the
up to
in the
independent between them can be
created with the control panel. In case of having to manage detectors in common between different sectors, associate them to the various sectors
to which they must refer.
These zones will only activate when all sectors to which they are associated are included.
The amount of sectors active in the system, meaning how many sectors exist therein independently, is defined during programming.
The sectors are useful when there is the need to have more systems managed by a single control panel. The normal applications, managing only
one system, do not require the use of this function, therefore only sector 1 will be active and all the zones associated to it.
The sectors can be activated in different modalities, one from the other. Example: sector 1 can be armed in ON modality, whereas sectors 2 and 3
are armed in AREA modality. Should there be, at any moment, zones associated to more sectors, these would result being automatically armed in
the lowest level modality present between the sectors to which they belong, where the highest level corresponds to arming ON and in decreasing
Every zone used by the control panel must be associated to a sector and will result active when said sector is armed in an arming modality con-
taining this zone.
The conditions that allow forcing are:
• Zone type Secondary FAILURE, MASKING
• Zone in antimask status
• Zone in survival status
• Absence of network
• Power feeder failure
• Recharger failure
• Low voltage on ‘+’ power outputs and on ‘+ Vpot’ output
• Battery low / battery failure / no battery
The conditions that do not allow forcing are:
• Central control unit tamper
• TamperSwitch KEYBOARDS / TamperCom KEYBOARDS
• TamperSwitch SATELLITE / TamperCom SATELLITE
• Radio interference
• TamperSwitch INSWCPU RS / TamperCom INSWCPU RS
• No Tel. Line / Tel. Line / GSM Fault malfunctions
• Zone camper status
• “TAMPER” or “ROBBERY” zone type open
• Primary FAILURE zone type open
• INSTANT zone type open
• internal instant and timed zones with “OFF times” open
The switch-on can be forced, using the relative controls contained in the guided user menu, accessible by pressing the ENT Key after gaining
access with the user code.
Alarm outputs
The alarm outputs of the system activate when an alarm occurs in one or more sectors, but can only be deactivated by disarming the sector to
which the zone that caused the alarm in progress belongs. This is true for both the relay outputs and the Open Collector outputs. Certain functions
applicable to the Open Collector outputs require specifying the number of the sector of reference.
arming OC, OC from user, etc.
The system keypads must be associated to one or more sectors. This determines which alarm messages are displayed therein The zone alarms
are shown only if relating to zones of the associated sectors. The technical alarms are always shown.
The quick arming function (
Quick Arm
) is linked to the keypad on which it is performed. With this procedure, the sector to which the keypad is
associated or, simultaneously, all sectors to which it is associated, is activated.
The “0 active zones” message, upon exiting the installer code, is displayed on keypad when the common zones are not associated to the four
different arming modalities (ON, HOME, ZONE, PERIMETER). This visualisation disappears when a user code is entered.
After having armed a sector, the “
0 active zones
” message is displayed on keypad to signal the user that there are no zones active in that arming
User Codes
The user codes must be associated to one or more sectors and have access to them only through the keypads associated to their sectors. If a code
is associated to one or more sectors and also set as “
Master user
”, it can access the sectors of competence from any keypad. When a user is
associated to more sectors and to the function “
Sectors sum
”, it can arm or disarm all systems (associated to it) simultaneously, by pressing 0 (zero).
The users associated to a specific sector, if enabled, can consult the control panel events memory, viewing only the events relating to their sector.
A user associated to all sectors can view the full events memory. With regard to the exclusion of the zones and activation of the O.C. outputs from
keypad, the user is enabled to work only on zones and O.C. under the responsibility of its sector; if the O.C. is associated to more sectors, it will
be managed by all users linked to the same sectors of the O.C..
Example of keypad behaviour
User 1 associated to sectors 1, 2, 3, 4 and set as “Master user -> NO”
The Users 2/3 are set as “Master user -> NO”
KEYPAD (sector 1, 2, 3, 4)
KEYPAD (sector 1)
KEYPAD (sector 2)
USER 1 (sector 1, 2, 3, 4)
sectors choice
display sector 1
display sector 2
USER 2 (sector 1)
display sector 1
display sector 1
USER 3 (sector 2)
display sector 2
display sector 2
Only User 1 associated to sectors 1, 2, 3, 4 and set as “Master user -> YES”
KEYPAD (sector 1, 2, 3, 4)
KEYPAD (sector 1)
KEYPAD (sector 2)
USER 1 (sector 1, 2, 3, 4)
sectors choice
sectors choice
sectors choice
USER 2 (sector 1)
display sector 1
display sector 1
USER 3 (sector 2)
display sector 2
display sector 2