6. HX3040 Redundancy
To conclude, select the language for common programs and for the ones associated with redundancy:
Programs associated with MainTask (MainPrg)
Programs associated with cyclic tasks: ST only. MasterTool disables the other options.
Programs associated with redundancy main tasks
Figure 6-9. Language for Specific Programs
The POUs UserPrg and NonSkippedPrg are created automatically, empty, in the selected language.
When creating POUs manually, you can use any of the available languages, except for redundant
POUs. Such units cannot be written in SFC language since it uses the IEC timer as background. For
more information, see Limitations in the Programming of a Redundant CPU .
The MainPrg POU will always be automatically generated in ST language, and it cannot be changed
by the user. This POU calls UserPrg (only in Active CPU) and NonSkippedPrg (both CPUs).
Equivalently, ProtPrg, when requested by the user to be created, it is automatically generated in ST
language, and cannot be changed by the user either. This POU calls UserProtPrg (only in Active
CPU) and NonSkippedProtPrg (both CPUs).
After the previous procedure, the Wizard generates the initial project, defining the system based in
the hardware initial configuration: