6. HX3040 Redundancy
Each line shown in the log has the following columns:
Time Stamp: date and time of the event, with a resolution of milliseconds
Severity: information, warning, error or exception
Description: text that describes the event
Component: component that generated the event, which in the case of redundancy event log will
be the "Redundancy Management"
The text in the column "Description" contains information related to the event. For example, in the
case of Redundancy State exchange from Standby to Active, an entry is generated in the log
indicating that there was a state exchange (Standby to Active).
To access this screen, the user must double-click on the device (HX3040) in the device tree, and then
select the tab "Log". There is a filter that allows the user to select only the component "Redundancy
Management", in order to display only the redundancy events.
Some diagnoses may point possible failures during initialization of redundant system and in the first
cycles of tasks. However, in a correct functioning of the system, these diagnoses will indicate the
absence of errors soon after system boot.