Adash 4400 – VA4Pro
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Measurement definition
The 1x amp+phase, orders and frf are available measurement for ADS. All parameters are the same as in
Analyser mode.
The settings you can change any time later, use the ADS Settings button.
The change of measurement parameters requires to delete all saved readings, because they are not compatible
with old definition.
Reference direction
This parameter is available only for frf measurement with two accelerometers. One reference sensor is mounted
to one point (one direction) on the machine and is on that place all the time. The second sensors is moved
sequentially to all other directions.
The change of Reference Direction number requires to delete all saved readings, because they are not
compatible with new reference direction number.
Frequency for Animation
This frequency will be used for animation on VA4 screen. It works only for frf measurement. In case of 1x
amp+phase or orders will be the speed frequency used (1X).
Three types of screen view are available.
Machine View
The geometry is displayed. The directions contains the numbers. The reference direction is marked as R.
Just selected point contains the small circle. Just selected direction is drawn by different color.