Adash 4400 – VA4Pro
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The Recorder
Many of older engineers remember the past time, when the signal was recorded to the tape-recorder and
consequently analyzed in Analyzer. Such approach had one important benefit. You can analyze the signal again
and again. When you need to make all required analysis in real-time, you are under time pressure. If additionally
the e.g. runup can be run only once, the pressure is extreme. The tape-recorder was the solution. It was simple
unit with simple operation, no danger to loose the data.
The same solution offers the VA4 Recorder. It enables to record simultaneously all 4 AC channels, tacho
channel and 4 DC process values channels into the unit memory. The sampling frequency is from 64Hz to
196kHz. The maximum record length depends of free memory size, which is displayed in right upper corner.
New Record
Run the Recorder. The list of records which are saved already in the memory appears on the screen. Push the
Project/ New button and entry the name. The new item appears in the list. Select it and push OK.
Select the Sampling Frequency. Switch to on all channels you want to record. Define the length of record (or
how it will be stopped). Select the Start of Rec way.
Start of Rec
After the measurement preparation is the recording started immediately.
The external signal (voltage level higher then defined threshold level in the Global
menu) starts the recording. Such signal may be generated e.g. when the machine starts to work. This type of
signal is usually created in the control system.
The recording is started when the signal level exceed the Treshold level, which is set
by user in Global menu. Both - positive and negative levels are accepted.
When the Record parameters are set, use the Start button for start of the recording. During the recording all
recorded input signals are displayed on the screen.