Adash 4400 – VA4Pro
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DC gap channel
In case of displacement sensor (eddy current) also DC channel could be entered, which
is used for gap measurement ( eddy current sensor should be concurrently connected to AC and DC input).
ISO Machine Group
see next chapter ISO 10816 Machine Groups
Bearing Type see Bearing Settings chapter
ISO 10816 Machine Groups
You can set the appropriate machine group according the ISO 10816 for each channel separately or for all
channels together.
ISO 10816 Classification of machinery. These parameters are used for limit values according to machine type,
nominal power or shaft height.
Bearing Settings
The fault bearing frequencies can be displayed in spectra. The bearing type definition is required for that.
Select Bearing Type item and press OK button or right arrow button. From next list select required item and
press OK button. Also recently used bearings are displayed.
Bearing type
selection from database