Adash 4400 – VA4Pro
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Tacho Trig Level
The correct reference value has to be set for speed measurement. E.g. when the
standard tacho level is 0.5V and the pulses rich the 1.5V, then the value 1V should be correct. The negative
pulses are not allowed, you need to use Adash converter for them.
Pulses per rotation
This value has to be set for correct speed evaluation, when more pulses are generated
during one rotation. The Trigger Source=tacho is not available for more then one pulse.
Min Speed [Hz]
The lowest speed, which the user is interested to measure with tacho. We suppose that
there is one puls per one revolution. In other words, it means how long the instrument will wait for two tacho
pulses (the speed is calculated from the time between two pulses). When the pulses are missing, then the NO
SPEED error is displayed. When you choose 1Hz, then the waiting interval is 1 second. When you enter 0.1Hz,
then you will wait 10 seconds. You should be aware of time prolongation of each measurement.
Settling prolongation
Sometimes you can need longer time for sensor settling. Set the required additional time in seconds.
Sensor Properties of recorded signal
When you use the record (recorded signal from memory) for analysis, then the sensor properties are defined in
the record, because you had to define them before the recording. You can change them for next analysis, but
this change is not written to the record. The original values are kept in the record.