Adash 4400 – VA4Pro
For further technical and contact information visit, email: [email protected]
Connection to the computer
The instrument contains the flash memory (VA4_DISC), which is accessible from external computer.
Use the USB cable, which is the standard accessory of VA4 set. Connect the small plug to the USB socket (see
the image above). Connect second plug to the computer.
The charging
The socket for external charger (instrument accessory) is above the POWER button. The BAT LED on the
upper panel lights orange during charging. When the battery is fully charged, it lights green.
The DSP board - monitoring and reset
The DSP board is the most important part of the instrument. The special chip provides all necessary operations,
which are required for achieving of 4 channel synchronous data.
The STAT LED is on the top panel and enables to monitor the DSP board (older versions had the button in
different position as in the picture). Several states can appear:
- Green with 0.25sec time interval (4Hz, four times per sec) - the measurement is running.
- Green with 1 sec time interval - STANDBY, the measurement is not running.
- Red - the DSP board does not work properly.
When the red STAT occurs, do the reset of DSP board. Do not switch-off the instrument. Use the slim not sharp
thing (e.g. paper clip) and push the button, which is hidden in the RST hole.
Next LED is near each input connector:
- green – OK
- no light – no measurement is taken in this input
- red – error (usually ICP error).
Note: During the measurement are functional only LEDs for inputs used for measurement (e.g. red LED ends
the lighting during the measurement and starts again after it).
Virtual Analyzers Data Processing
When older Analyzers would take more measurements, they took them step by step. If the user wanted e.g.
acceleration overall, velocity overall, velocity time signal and velocity spectrum from one sensor, then the
Analyzers took first overall, then second overall with integration, then time signal and finally spectrum. The time
which was required for all 4 measurements was the sum of 4 individual times.
The instrument includes high speed chips and it uses the much more advanced concept. For every individual
measurement is created one virtual Analyzer in the instrument memory. All virtual Analyzers read data from
input DSP board and perform required data acquisition.
What does it mean? It means, that the total required time is not equal the sum of all individual times, but it is
equal the time required for the longest measurement.
Run the instrument on your computer
The A4410 Virtual Unit you can download from the producer’s website. Easily unzip the zip file and run the bat
file. Now you can easy try to work with all functions in your computer. Do not forget define the record as signal
source. You can also download the next records from that website. See the A4410 Virtual Unit chapter for more