Adash 4400 – VA4Pro
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The Adash Deflection Shapes mode enables to measure operating deflection shapes of the machine.
ADS project
The project must be created on the computer. The ADS software enables to create the geometry of the machine
(points, lines and directions).
Import of project from computer to VA4
Copy the project file (ads extension) to VA4_DISC (to the root or VA4ads folder). The project will be moved to
the VA4 memory after entering the ADS module. The file in VA4_DISC will be deleted.
Rewriting of geometry
Usually the user creates the simple geometry firstly and takes the measurements. After that first test he
changes the geometry (adds the next points, lines and directions). When the project is imported to the
instrument again then only the geometry file will be rewritten. The already taken data will not be deleted.
Project menu