Adash 4400 – VA4Pro
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A4410 Virtual Unit
A4410 Virtual unit is the personal computer application. It emulates the A4400 analyzer on your computer
screen. The A4410 Virtual unit is designed for measurement with the A4404 - Signal Analyzer Box (it is the 4
channel signal box with USB connection to the computer).The demonstration purposes is the second use.
Download, uncompress the file (XXXX represents the version number) and
save it to selected disc and folder (e.g C:\VirtualUnit).
Compressed file contains A4410_VirtualUnit_verXXXX folder, which contains:
1) data folder for application data (e.g. projects)
2) bin folder with binary files
3) runme.bat file for launching
Attention !! : A4410_VirtualUnit_verXXXX folder must not have limited access for user (e.g.readable only).
Contact your IT person if you are not familiar with such conditions.
A4404 – Signal Analyzer Box drivers installation
The A4404 - Signal Analyzer Box needs special drivers. Follow next instructions: