Adash 4400 – VA4Pro
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points appears in instrument window. The grey items were not measured. Press Store to database to save
Speed in the route
There are various ways how to get the speed and transfer it to DDS. The ways are described here in the order
from the lowest priority to the highest priority.
Speed entered in the VA4
The speed can be entered manually with the function Enter Speed (described before).
Speed entered in DDS
The Default Speed can be set up on DDS as the tree item parameter. Default Speed can by entered as a
value or as a Variable Speed. The Variable Speed is detected before the measurement itself (see the Speed
Detection chapter). Detected speed is valid for whole machine. Unless you close the machine item, the same
speed value is valid and no other detection takes place. Speed entered in DDS has always priority before the
speed entered in the device.
Measured Speed
If the speed is measured by tacho probe, it is saved always with data regardless the fact if there were already
defined by one of the previous ways (speed entered in device or DDS).
Current entered or detected speed value (if defined) is displayed in information panel at the right (if the
measurement is not in progress).