Adash 4400 – VA4Pro
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The Analyzer mode
The Analyzer mode is the basic mode for signal analysis. If you have not prepared the Route measurement,
then you use for analysis the Analyzer mode. All required parameters must be set by hand or you can use the
saved measurement parameters from memory.
The Meas
The Meas means one measurement as it is usually understood, e.g. overall value or time signal or spectrum or
The Graph
The graphical form of that Meas values displayed on the screen we will call the Graph (overall value, time
signal, spectrum, orbit, order analysis. One Graph works with data from one measurement item. You should
keep in mind that also one overall value is the Graph.
The Set
The Set is the most important term in the Analyzer mode. The Set is the set ( or group) of one or more
measurements Meas, which the user wants to take and display together. E.g. you want to take 4 Meas together
- acceleration overall, velocity overall, velocity time signal and velocity spectrum. You prepare the Set, which
includes these 4 required measurements Meas. The definition of Set is saved in the Analyzer memory. You can
save many various Sets, which can contain your often used sets of measurement. Then you select one Set and
run it. The taking off all measurements included in the set is made simultaneously. See also Virtual Analyzers
section for better understanding.
The Project
You can use only various Sets for analyzing. But sometimes you can need the more structured items then
simple Set. Such items we call Projects.
This is only simple Set, which contain several measurements in one point.
Pump_P/ Point_1, Pump_P/Point_2, Pump_P/Point_3
The structured Project of 3 Sets (3 points) on one machine (Pump_P). This type of Project we call
L1/Set. It means Level1_Name/ Set_Names.)
Plant_X/ Pump_P/ Points
The structured Project with name of Plant (Level2) , names of machines (Level1) and names of Sets.
This Project type we call L2/L1/Set.
Export of the Project to the VA4_DISC (flash disc)
The computer can read any data from VA4 flash disc only. This flash disc has the name VA4_DISC. The set
with measured data has to be exported to the flash before the transfer to the PC. During the set measurement
are data saved to the VA4 hard disc only (or SSD). When the set is closed, then the VA4 asks the user "Export
to VA4_Disc?" and user selects one option. The export to flash is not done automatically because the writing
procedure to flash is slow. That is why the user can determine, when the right moment to export the set is.
In the menu item Set/ Export you can select the set and export it manually.