TPU2000/2000R Modbus/Modbus Plus Automation Guide
Figure 4-2. Communication Port Setup Screen for Serial or Ethernet Communication
The selections in WIN ECP are illustrated in Table 4-2. The settings must agree with those configured in the DPU 2000 and
DPU 2000R. Radio Buttons are available to connect the configuration terminal to the DPU 2000R depending upon the
protocol and interface used. The DPU 2000R also allows for programming using Modbus, or Standard 10 Byte protocols.
COM 0 Port (Front Port Configuration)
In order to attach a configuration program to the TPU2000 or TPU2000R, the correct parameters must be set up
within the unit. The supported parameters are listed in Table 4-1 below. The protocol for the unit is addressable
Standard 10 Byte. To view the communication port parameters it is advised that they should be viewed via the
unit’s front panel interface. If the TPU2000 or TPU2000R does not have a front panel interface, the parameters
should be marked on the front panel sticker with the port’s parameters.
The keystrokes required for visualizing the communication port parameters from the front panel interface are:
1. Depress the “E” pushbutton
2. Depress the “
” key once to select the SETTINGS Menu and then depress the “E” pushbutton.
3. Depress the “E” pushbutton to select the SHOW SETTINGS Menu selection.
4. Depress the “
” key six times to select the COMMUNICATIONS Menu and then depress the “E” pushbutton.
5. Under the SHOW COM SETTINGS MENU, the following shall be displayed for the Front Panel RS 232 port
Unit Node Address (Address displayed in HEX)
FP RS 232 Baud
FP RS 232 Frame
Other parameters shall be shown. The parameters listed shall vary in accordance with the communication card
inserted within the unit. However, the FP displayed parameters must match with the parameters configured in
the Standard Ten Byte Section of the ECP package.
One may change parameters via the front panel interface. The selections for each parameter required in Front
Panel Port configuration is shown in Table 4-1.
Table 4-1. TPU2000 and TPU2000R COM Port 0 Front Panel Interface Parameters
Option Selection