TPU2000/2000R Modbus/Modbus Plus/ Modbus TCP/IP Automation Guide
Section 4 - TPU2000 and TPU2000R Device Parameterization
Establishing TPU2000 and TPU2000R communication depends upon correct parameterization of the
communication menus within the unit. Parameterization may occur via the unit’s front panel interface of through
WinECP (Windows External Communication Program). Modbus, Modbus Plus and DNP require certain
parameterizations. Even COM 0 requires certain parameterization to communication with the configuration
Figure 4-1 illustrates the parameterization screen in WIN ECP which must be parameterized allowing
communication between the configuration unit and the DPU 2000R. The WIN ECP VERSION for
parameterization of the UCA or Modbus TCP/IP board must be version 4.3 or greater.
Figure 4-1. Initial WIN ECP Communication Configuration Screen
A direct connect is selected in this instance allowing retrieval and configuration of the relay parameters. Notice
that the connection may be accomplished via Serial connection or Ethernet if available in the DPU 2000R. Once
the OK button is depressed, the screen shown in Figure 4-2 is presented to the operator.