9 Technical Data and Conformity | 9.2 Performance Data and Specifications | GeminiSEM 360
R = 360° continuous
3 µm repeatability in x/y at 0° tilt
The movements may be reduced by specimen size, operating
conditions, and accessories attached.
Accessory ports:
Two accessory ports on the stage door are pro-
Specimen weight:
Up to 0.5 kg
Specimen current monitor
with integrated
Touch Alarm
touch alarm warning with on-screen message)
Specimen mounts:
One carousel 9x specimen holder (for stubs) in-
cluded in base tool configuration, various specimen holders available
as option
Plasma cleaner
Integrated plasma cleaner:
Chamber mounted plasma cleaner for
removal of hydrocarbon contamination from both specimen and
chamber; integrated software control for user defined cleaning cycles
without user interaction after starting the cleaning process
Detection System
Detection system
Detection system equipped for parallel detection and signal process-
ing of multiple detector channels:
Up to 16 detector channels (optional), 4 detector channels (default)
Up to 3 TV inputs (optional), 1 TV input (default)
Parallel detection, processing, and display of up to 4 channels
Any 2 detector signals can be mixed for enhanced image information.
TV Camera image and detector images can be displayed simultane-
InLens detectors
InLens SE detector:
Column-mounted scintillator detector with optically coupled photo-
multiplier for high efficiency surface sensitive InLens SE detection
EsB detector (optional):
Column-mounted high efficiency scintillator detector with optically
coupled photomultiplier for detection of energy and angle selective
backscattered electrons. Filtering grid adjustable from 0 V to −1.5 kV
for energy filtering
The InLens SE detector and the EsB detector can be used in parallel
Chamber detectors
aBSD/aBSD-LH detector (optional):
Pneumatically retractable 5 or 6 segment multi-mode solid state BSE
detector; enables materials contrast, crystal orientation, and topo-
graphic imaging. Enables in-situ 3D surface reconstruction and quanti-
tative 3D metrology.
VP-BSD detector (optional for NanoVP mode):
Pneumatically retractable 5 segment multi-mode solid state BSE de-
tector integrated into the beamsleeve aperture; enables materials con-
trast, crystal orientation, and topographic imaging. Enables in-situ 3D
surface reconstruction and quantitative 3D metrology.
Instruction Manual ZEISS GeminiSEM series | en-US | Rev. 2 | 349500-8138-000