9 Technical Data and Conformity | 9.3 Performance Data and Specifications | GeminiSEM 460
Modified instrument resolution because of the 2 mm additional
height of the AsB detector is indicated in the resolution values. The
WD indication is automatically corrected, i.e. the displayed WD is the
real distance between the specimen surface and the AsB detector bot-
tom side. Enables in-situ 3D surface reconstruction and quantitative
3D metrology.
AsB4 detector (optional):
Four-quadrant solid state BSD diode (each segment 10 mm²) inte-
grated in the Gemini objective lens for the detection of angular selec-
tive backscattered (AsB) electrons. The detector has the same func-
tionality as the AsB detector with an additional four channel amplifier
for parallel detection of the four segment signals. Enables in-situ 3D
surface reconstruction and quantitative 3D metrology.
aSTEM detector (optional):
Pneumatically retractable multi-mode annular Scanning Transmission
Electron Microscopy (aSTEM) detector, with 12x specimen holder; en-
ables bright field (BF), dark field (DF), oriented dark field (ODF), and
high angle annular dark field (HAADF) transmission imaging
C2D detector (optional):
Cascade Current Detector for detecting SE signal under variable pres-
sure with high efficiency.
Detector with floating amplifier electronics, for enhanced imaging in
Variable Pressure mode up to 500 Pa. Delivers detail at low kV for
specimens that demand higher pressures, e.g. polymers, bio speci-
mens, powders, and fibers. Enhanced signal-to-noise ration versus
VPSE detector.
CL detector (optional):
Cathodoluminiscence (CL) chamber detector
SCD detector (optional):
The specimen current detector (SCD) detects the current absorbed by
the specimen.
SE detector:
Everhart-Thornley SE detector with optically coupled photomultiplier;
collector bias adjustable from −250 to +400 V
VPSE detector (optional):
Light detector for detecting SE signal under variable pressure (VP)
with high speed.
YAG detector (optional):
Manual retractable, high speed 1 sector scintillator based BSE detec-
Chamber camera
Color CCD camera
with white-light illumination and IR illumination.
Specimen current
6 range auto ranging for precise current measurement in the range of
1 pA to 10 μA
Instruction Manual ZEISS GeminiSEM series | en-US | Rev. 2 | 349500-8138-000