2.2 Command Header Section of Main Command Area
2.2.4 Command Status (CMD_STAT)
This bit indicates the device warning state of the slave station.
1: A device-specific warning has occurred.
0: Other state (normal state, or the alarm specified by COMM_ALM or CMD_ALM has
When a device-specific warning other than the warning state specified by COMM_ALM or
CMD_ALM has occurred, the D_WAR status bit is set to "1."
D_WAR is independent of COMM_ALM and CMD_ALM.
When a device-specific warning has occurred and the D_WAR status bit is set to "1" in the
servo ON state, the servo ON state is retained.
When the slave station shifts from the device warning state to the normal state as a result of
the execution of the ALM_CLR command or CMD_CTRL.ALM_CLR, this bit is set to "0."
This bit indicates whether the slave station is ready to receive commands.
1: Command reception enabled
0: Command reception disabled
CMDRDY = 0 means that command processing is in progress. While CMDRDY = 0, the slave
station continues to process the current command, but the slave station will discard new
commands received while CMDRDY = 0.
Only the DISCONNECT command is executed immediately regardless of the CMDRDY value.
Completion of command execution is confirmed in accordance with the completion confirma-
tion method of each command.
The hold time for CMDRDY = 0 is specified for each command.
If command execution is possible despite an alarm or warning state, CMDRDY is set to "1."
This bit indicates the execution state of the ALM_CLR command.
1: Execution of the ALM_CLR command (CMD_CTRL.ALM_CLR) completed
0: Other
ALM_CLR_CMP is set to "1" in the following cases.
When the alarm clear processing executed by the ALM_CLR command has been com-
ALM_CLR_CMP is set to "1" when the alarm cannot be cleared as well.
When the alarm clear processing time (approx. 200 ms) has elapsed after receiving the
ALM_CLR command.
ALM_CLR_CMP is set to "1" when the alarm cannot be cleared as well.
ALM_CLR_CMP can be cancelled by setting "0" for CMD_CTRL.ALM_CLR.
Device warning: Overload (A.910)
D_WAR = 1