Chapter 3
Main Panel Window
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Auto Save
Set up the automatic file save feature.
This setting has no effect when the file being worked on has not previously been saved, or the
computer is online.
• [Enable]
Auto save of project files being worked on will occur when checked. The file will be
overwritten, but the Undo history will not be cleared.
• [Interval in minutes]
Specifies the auto-save interval in minutes.
[Confirm Scene Store]
Place a checkmark here to have a confirmation dialog box displayed when storing a scene.
[Save after synchronization]
If a save is performed after the DME Designer is synchronized to the DME or SP2060 unit, the next
synchronization will be significantly faster because one the difference needs to be synchronized.
Check this checkbox to specify auto-save after the DME Designer is synchronized to the DME or
SP2060 unit.
[Component Editor] Tab
Sets up operation of the Component Editor knobs, sliders, and edit boxes.
Knob Mode
Sets how the knobs operate.
• Circular
The knob is dragged following its shape, as though you were drawing a circle.
• Linear
As you drag the knob to the upper, the value increases. Dragging it down decreases the value.