Chapter 4
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Placing Components
You can place objects by dragging them from the Toolkit window. You can also place objects by
double-clicking them in the Toolkit window. The same objects are displayed in the [Component List]
submenu on the [Tools] menu or on the context menu that appears when you right-click on the sheet.
For information about the [Component List] in the Configuration window, see
Arranging a Number of Components of the Same Type
You can arrange a number of components of the same type. If there are two or more of the same
component, numbers will be attached to their names as follows: “Compressor (2),” “Compressor
(3)” and so on. Multiple components placed in the configuration are independent, and you can set
different parameters for each of them.
If the [Matrix Mixer 64 input 64 output] or the [Matrix Mixer 64 input 32 output] components are placed in the DME64N
configuration window, you will not be able to use other components, even though the window does not reach 100 percent.
The [Matrix Mixer 64 input 64 output] or [Matrix Mixer 64 input 32 output] components cannot be used in the DME24N.