Chapter 4
DME Designer Owner’s Manual
Drawing Settings
Several functions are available to help ensure accurate wire drawing.
To accurately draw in relation to the grid, turn ON [Snap to Grid] in the “Grid” dialog box.
Draw Exact Vertical and Horizontal Lines
When [Prohibit Diagonal Connections] in the [Tools] menu is turned ON, wires will be drawn using
horizontal and vertical lines only. Diagonal wires cannot be drawn. To activate this function, select it
from the menu so that a checkmark appears next to the command name in the menu. Selected the
command again to remove the checkmark and deactivate the function.
You can also limit wire drawing to horizontal and vertical lines by holding the <Shift> key while
drawing the wires.
You can change the positions of existing components or nodes while converting the existing wires to wires composed only of
horizontal and vertical lines by activating the [Prohibit Diagonal Connections] function. You can draw diagonal lines holding
the <Shift> key while dropping the objects.