XT2640 Operating Manual
13 July 2016
Page 181 of 187
Specifications are valid under the following conditions‐
All specifications are valid following a 20 minute warm‐up period after turning power ON in the XT2640, when operated
from the specified source of power and within the specified environmental conditions.
All specifications are valid for the lifetime of the XT2640.
All percentages are % of reading unless otherwise described.
Start Delay Time
Zero to 99 days, 99 hours, 99 minutes, 99 seconds (1 second resolution)
0.01% + 8ms maximum error
Integration Time
Manual (unrestricted period of time), or 1 second to 99 days, 99 hours, 99 minutes, 99 seconds
0.01% + 1ms maximum error
Maximum Data Error
(0.01% + 1ms) (not for integrated average data) + (0.03/measurement period in seconds)% per year
This section is not applicable when configured for EN61000‐3‐2 or ‐12 modes. In those modes harmonic analysis is performed to the
requirements of EN61000‐4‐7:2002 + A1:2009 with corrigenda Aug. 2004, May 2005 and Nov. 2011 (see section 18.1.5).
DFT performed at each frequency on same set of sampled signals (there is no discontinuity throughout
the analysed frequency range)
F > (2/measurement period): Hann (also called Hanning)
Otherwise: Rectangular
Maximum Harmonic
The smaller of ‐
a) A frequency of 435kHz (W type channels) or 115kHz (otherwise)
b) 500
(harmonics over the 100
requires option H500)
c) HARMONICS setting
d) If BANDWIDTH set to USER: 0.5*setting/fundamental frequency
Harmonic Bandwidth
Nominally the greater of‐
a) The smaller of fundamental frequency or 2/(LF/PERIOD measurement period)
b) If FUND set to AVIONICS: 20Hz
c) (Fundamental Frequency*Maximum Harmonic/2250)
Measurement Period
Nominally (1/Harmonic Bandwidth)
Update Interval
Nominally the greater of ‐
a) LF/PERIOD measurement period
b) Harmonic Measurement Period (from above)
c) 0.25ms x Σ(Maximum Harmonic for each channel configured for harmonics)
Data Available
Volts, Amps and Watts amplitudes for each configured harmonic
Volts and Amps as a percentage of the fundamental of the same signal
Volts and Amps THD as a percentage of the fundamental of the same signal
Volts and Amps THD as a percentage of the AC+DC amplitude of the same signal
V and A Phase of fundamental relative to the voltage fundamental of the lowest numbered channel in the
V and A Phase of each non‐fundamental harmonic relative to the fundamental of the same signal
THC (Total Harmonic Current, see section 11.10)
POHC (Partial Odd Harmonic Current, see section 11.10)
PWHC ((Partial Weighted Harmonic Current, see section 11.10)
See relevant Voltage, Current and Watts accuracy specifications
DFT performed at each frequency on same set of sampled signals (there is no discontinuity throughout
the analysed frequency range)
Hann (also called Hanning)
Frequency Resolution
0.01Hz to 1kHz
Measurement Period
Nominally (1/ Frequency Resolution)
Maximum Frequency
Minimum is 100 x Frequency Resolution
Maximum is the lowest of nominally ‐
a) 16384 x Frequency Resolution (under some circumstances as low as 8192 x Frequency Resolution)
b) 435kHz (W type channels) or 115kHz (otherwise)
Data Available
Volts, Amps and Watts amplitudes for each configured spectrum frequency
See relevant Voltage, Current and Watts accuracy specifications