XT2640 Operating Manual
13 July 2016
Page 71 of 187
The XT2640 provides several methods for performing measurements of Inrush or for device startup. Which method is chosen is up
to you, as each has its merits.
It is assumed in this section that you are conversant with the general operating methods used in the XT2640 as described in section
This section is specifically written to describe two such methods for measuring Inrush currents; however it may equally be applied
for other device startup measurements.
Usually the measurement configuration suitable for inrush measurement is not the same as that used for ‘normal’ power
measurements. This often results in errors being made in either the inrush measurement or in normal power measurements
because these configuration changes are forgotten or improperly made.
Inrush measurements are usually performed with no bandwidth restrictions whereas normal power measurements may
have a restricted bandwidth.
Inrush measurements typically need to be performed on the HI range of any D current option channels, whereas normal
power measurements use the most optimal range of current measurement for the normal current levels of a device.
This first method described requires no specific configuration changes to the MEAS CONFIG screen to perform an inrush
measurement as any changes required will be automatically applied.
This has the advantage of being an easily repeatable measurement; the measurement is not dependent on remembering to re‐
configure for inrush measurements (and remembering to reverse that later), and the configuration of the SCOPE can typically be left
at the settings for the inrush measurement so they do not need to be changed and also none of these settings have any significant
impact on the inrush measurement itself, only how it is displayed.
For full details regarding using the SCOPE screen see section 12.10.
The example screen below shows an example SCOPE screen used for this purpose, showing an inrush current measurement having
been performed. In this case voltage was continuously applied to the XT2640 terminals; the power switch of the device being tested
was used to apply the power inrush. This can also be achieved by turning on and off the source of the voltage.
Turn off the device being tested. It does not matter if the voltage is switched off between the XT2640 and the device (so the
voltage is always present at the XT2640) or at the supply to the XT2640 (so the voltage is not initially present at the
XT2640). Typically a device should have power removed for some period of time before re‐applying power for an inrush
measurement (often several minutes).
Configure the XT2640 Scope capture for the inrush measurement as shown in the example screen below –