XT2640 Operating Manual
13 July 2016
Page 102 of 187
Descriptive headings for the data contained in the following set of records.
OVERLOAD, code, 2 empty fields (all but the 1
field are repeated for each phase if multi‐phase)
code is 0 if no overloads detected, otherwise is the addition of‐
1: current peak overload
2: current rms overload
4: voltage peak overload
8: voltage rms overload
ARMS, maximum, average and minimum (all but the 1
field are repeated for each phase if multi‐phase)
WATTS, maximum, average and minimum (all but the 1
field are repeated for each phase if multi‐
PF, maximum, average and minimum (all but the 1
field are repeated for each phase if multi‐phase)
THC, maximum, average and minimum (all but the 1
field are repeated for each phase if multi‐phase)
POHC, maximum, average and minimum (all but the 1
field are repeated for each phase if multi‐phase)
PWHC, maximum, average and minimum (all but the 1
field are repeated for each phase if multi‐phase)
Always a blank record
The next set of records shows details about the harmonics measurements and any limits applied during the assessment.
Descriptive headings for the data contained in the following set of records.
35 to 74 inclusive
AHn (n is 1 to 40), limit (if any), maximum, average, time over 150% of limit (if EN61000‐3‐2 class A
only), failure code (last 4 fields repeated for each supply phase if multi‐phase)
If a field is not applicable then it is empty but is always present
failure code is 0 if no failure, or the addition of‐
1: average value failed to meet the requirement
2: maximum value failed to meet the requirement
POHC, limit, an empty field, measurement value, 2 empty fields (last 4 fields repeated for each supply
phase if multi‐phase)
Only filled if recording a EN61000‐3‐2 assessment but record is always present
THC, limit, an empty field, measurement value, an empty field, failure code (last 4 fields repeated for
each supply phase if multi‐phase)
Only filled if recording a EN61000‐3‐12 assessment but record is always present
failure code is 0 if no failure or 1 if failed to meet the requirement
PWHC, limit, an empty field, measurement value, an empty field, failure code (last 4 fields repeated for
each supply phase if multi‐phase)
Only filled if recording a EN61000‐3‐12 assessment but record is always present
failure code is 0 if no failure or 1 if failed to meet the requirement
Always a blank record
The next set of records gives historical measurements during the assessment, enabling you to generate graphs if you wish to.
Measurements of Arms, Watts, THC, POHC, PWHC, and every harmonic are available for each phase of the supply.
Descriptive headings for the data contained in the following set of records.
80 to 591 inclusive
512 records containing the maximum measured Arms during each of 512 equally spaced time slices
covering at least the entire configured total assessment time. These are always in increasing time order
and not all records may be filled but all are always present. Each record has the starting time of the
corresponding time slice (relative to the 1
point) as the first field.
Always a blank record
593 to 1106 inclusive
As records 79 to 592 but for Watts measurements.
1107 to 1620 inclusive
As records 79 to 592 but for THC measurements.
1621 to 2134 inclusive
As records 79 to 592 but for POHC measurements.
2135 to 2648 inclusive
As records 79 to 592 but for PWHC measurements.
2649 onwards
40 sets of records which are as records 79 to 592 but for each current harmonic measurement starting
with the fundamental. This is a total of 40 times 514 records.
A file generated in this manner can be up to 3Mbytes in size.
The recorded data covers all channels assessed independently of which channel is selected as being viewed on the screen.
In the descriptive records, each phase of the supply is denoted as PhA through PhD, in order of increasing channel number
in the XT2640.
Although XiTRON will attempt to preserve this layout of the records and fields within the file, it may change if needed in
future upgrades.
All times, limits and measurement results are generated in floating point format with 6 significant digits with an exponent
value that is always divisible by 3 and have the native units of the data being represented (e.g. times are in seconds,
voltages are in Volts, currents are in Amps, powers are in Watts). Note that no percentages are generated.
Saving this data as a file may be repeated as many times as you wish and you may REASSESS the assessment as many times
as you wish. In this manner you can record the results of assessments to several different classifications (with different file
names) without actually performing separate full assessments.