XT2640 Operating Manual
13 July 2016
Page 98 of 187
Throughout this screen all textual results information follow the same meaning for textual coloring as follows‐
If colored gold then the data is as configured by you.
If colored white then the data is showing a measurement.
If colored green then the data indicates that there is no error or precautionary condition.
If colored red then the data indicates an error or precautionary condition.
Although you may only view the results of the assessment, and may only start an assessment, from this screen, you do not
need to maintain viewing this screen during or after an assessment. You can freely change between screens while an
assessment is in progress and the results of a completed assessment are retained if you change to viewing another screen.
The results of an assessment are only lost if you power cycle the XT2640, you make a significant change to the measurement
configuration, or you start a new assessment with the ASSESS button.
The SUPPLY area shows the textual results of measurements made on the supply voltage during the assessment. The data shown are
(in order from top to bottom of the area)‐
The pass/fail status of the supply checks (see section, note that this covers all phases of the supply not just that
selected to be viewed. If any failure is detected then a numerical code is shown colored red which contains an indication of all
detected failures by means of adding the codes for each failure, otherwise it shows OK colored green. The codes are‐
1: The voltage was not within the allowed range from the configured Unom value throughout the assessment.
2: The frequency was not within the allowed range from the configured Fnom value throughout the assessment.
4: The frequency changed by more than 0.03% during any 200ms measurement period.
8: The supply voltage harmonics did not meet the requirements of EN61000‐3‐2 clause A.2c throughout the assessment.
Note that when performing EN61000‐3‐12 assessments no checking of the supply voltage harmonics is performed.
16: The supply voltage crest factor was not within the allowed range per EN61000‐3‐2 clause A.2d throughout the
assessment. Note that when performing EN61000‐3‐12 assessments or an EN61000‐3‐2 class A or B assessment is being
displayed this failure is not included.
32: The supply voltage peak phase position was not within the allowed range per EN61000‐3‐2 clause A.2d throughout the
assessment. Note that when performing EN61000‐3‐12 assessments or an EN61000‐3‐2 class A or B assessment is being
displayed this failure is not included.
64: The inter‐phase supply voltage phase was not within the allowed range per EN61000‐3‐2 clause A.2b or EN61000‐3‐12
clause 7.2c throughout the assessment.
If codes 1 and/or 2 are found then either the assessment was not performed with the supply source set correctly, or the
Unom and/or Fnom settings in the XT2640 were incorrectly set. In this later case you only need to change those settings
with a REASSESS, in the former case the supply source needs to be corrected and the entire assessment repeated.
If codes other than 1 or 2 are found then the supply source is not suitable for performing the assessment.
The nominal voltage and frequency configured (i.e. Unom/Fnom). Note that these are only displayed with 1V and 1Hz
resolution, the full entered value resolution is actually used.
The Rsce value configured or automatically determined by the XT2640. The same value of Rsce is used for all phases.
The actual measured voltage range of the supply phase selected. The minimum‐maximum voltages measured during the
The actual measured frequency range of the supply. The minimum‐maximum frequencies measured during the assessment.
The MEASUREMENTS area shows the textual results of measurements in the channel selected to be viewed during the assessment.
The data shown are (in order from top to bottom of the area)‐
If an overload was detected during the assessment (see section then this shows a suitable message colored red
describing that overload, otherwise it shows OK colored green.
The actual measured power consumption of the EUT. The minimum‐maximum power measured during the assessment.
The actual measured current loading of the EUT. The minimum‐maximum current (RMS) measured during the assessment.
The actual measured power factor of the EUT. The minimum‐maximum power factor measured during the assessment.
The actual measured THC (Total Harmonic Current, in Amps) of the EUT. The minimum‐maximum THC measured during the
The LIMITS area shows the textual results of the limits selection and additional details regarding limits selection obtained during the
assessment. The data shown are (in order from top to bottom of the area)‐
The classification of the EUT (class for EN61000‐3‐2, table for EN61000‐3‐12).
The limits table called for by the selected classification (EN61000‐3‐2 only).
The reference levels for the selected limits table (if any).
Which “
” were detected (EN61000‐3‐12 only, does not include conditions b or e). You should note that if condition a
or d is detected then the detection of conditions c and f may be unreliable as the 5
harmonic content may be extremely small
(EN61000‐4‐7 requires that phase be ignored for harmonics less than 0.15% of the Amps reference level so in that situation you