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AM-10HD / Aug 2008
Day-Parting and Long-term Scheduling
A “weekly” preset scheduling establishes a weekly cycle of preset changes, allowing
for automatic programmed day-by-day exclusions or additions.
Additionally, a separate long-term scheduling table permits the establishment of
“one-off” preset changes for any future time and date.
General Purpose Input (GPI)
Eight optically isolated inputs are slaved to the first eight preset slots.
Presets may be recalled by providing the appropriate voltage to the associated GPI port
to create a “Logic High” and may be either momentary or latching as desired. Voltages
are applied between the appropriate GPI pin and Common with the GPI pin being the
most positive voltage. Please see manual text for the required current limiting resistor
for voltages above 3.3VDC.
Ethernet Interface
The AM-10HD contains a five-port, auto-sensing 10/100BaseT Ethernet switch with
one of the ports available on the outside of the unit for field use. Because the switch
is auto-sensing it is not necessary to utilize a crossover cable when connecting a PC
directly to the AM-10HD.
Software Remote Control
Supplied Windows
GUI software affords control of all system and processing pa-
rameters via a 10/100BaseT Ethernet interface.