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AM-10HD / Aug 2008
A M - 1 0 H D G U I
• Compare those settings back to the factory preset by pressing QSave A.
• When you are happy with your changes you can commit them to a user preset
using the Save dialog explained previously.
Likewise, QSave A and QSave B can be used to compare the sounds of two dif‑
ferent sets of user settings. To do this you would:
• Load the preset that you want to change, then make changes to it and press
QSave A to save those settings to buffer A.
• Make additional changes as desired and then press QSave B to save those ad
ditional changes to buffer B.
• Now you can compare the two sets of settings by toggling back and forth be
tween QSave A and QSave B.
• When you are pleased with one set of settings and need more buffers for further
tweaking, you can use the A=B/B=A button to make the two buffers the same
and have one of them to use to start comparing from again.