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AM-10HD / Aug 2008
A M - 1 0 H D G U I
Clipper Threshold Screen
Clicking on the Clip Thresh tab opens up the adjustment screen for the clipper
The AM‑10HD has a distortion cancelled clipper following each of its 10‑band
In addition to active distortion masking within each of the 10 clipper bands, each
band has its own individually adjustable clip threshold, allowing clipping of program
material to either invisibly control peaks or, at the other extreme, generate very competi‑
tive loudness. The thresholds may be precisely tuned to taste, format, and competitive
needs. The clippers may also be disabled by changing the 10‑band operating mode to
Limit Only.
As we mentioned previously, although each band has its own distortion masking,
continuous deep clipping in excess of 6dB to 10dB should be approached with cau‑
tion. This is because, although the distortion is masked, extremely high levels of RMS
loudness will be produced which could become fatiguing with certain types of music,
depending on how other processor parameters prior to the 10‑band limiter section have
been adjusted.
10‑Band Clipper Threshold Screen