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AM-10HD / Aug 2008
A M - 1 0 H D G U I
AM-10HD Graphical Interface Operation
All operating parameters of the five band AGC and the 10‑band AM limiter can
be individually adjusted by manipulating the positions of various blue dots on that
sections’ graphical screen. Each of the blue dots on the screen represents the center
frequency of a band. By double clicking a dot (to highlight it to turn it orange) and
then dragging it with the mouse, various operating parameters for each band can
be customized.
There are other ways to set parameters, too. In fact all of the controls on the
graphical screen work the same way regardless of which processing section “owns”
them. Parameters within each of the processing sections can be accessed by clicking
on the associated tab at the top of the screen.
By right clicking on the graphical display area with your mouse the following
options will appear:
Example Graphical Control Screen