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AM-10HD / Aug 2008
A M - 1 0 H D G U I
Release Time Screen
Clicking on the Release tab opens up the release time adjustment screen.
The release time of a limiter determines how fast it recovers from an audio peak
that has caused a momentary decrease in gain. Shorter release times create a more
dense sound, and excessively short release times can also increase intermodulation
distortion (the mixing of low and high frequency energy – or a muddying of the
The release times for each band are adjustable from 30 milliseconds to
1000 milliseconds (1 second). Faster release allows a more rapid recovery after a
limiting event, while slower release times do the opposite. Release times should be
adjusted to taste, keeping in mind that the slower the release time the more dynamic
the sound, but the more likely that audible “ducking” may be heard.
10-Band Limiter Release Time Screen