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Smart Source Selector and PCM decommutator PCI board
(20Mbps) - 3ch
Key Features
Bit error rate performance within 1dB of theory
Bit-rates up to 20Mbps (NRZ-L codes)
Uses signal quality estimates to weigh input signals
Yields performance gain of up to 4.7dB when
all channels are used
NRZ-L/M/S, BIØ-L, derandomizer (11,13,15,17, 23)
Sync word length up to 64 bits
0 to 16 bits sync word error tolerance
4 to 64 bits per word
Supports digital IRIG-B 000, 001, 002, 003
time formats
Real-time ground stations
Telemetry data links
The GTS/DEC/006 reconstructs a serial PCM data stream from a source
that has been corrupted by noise, phase jitter, amplitude modulation, or
base line variations. The all-digital design utilizes three independent,
programmable matched filters and Phase Locked Loops (PLL) to track
deviations in the bit-rate of the received signals.
The output from the bit synchronizers is fed into the Smart Source
Selector thereby producing a hard decision (1 or 0) based on the signal
quality of the received bits. If the soft values are shifted in time, data is
re-aligned prior to combining the soft values.
The recovered data is then decommutated into frames. Each minor frame
can be tagged with time from an IRIG-B source to an accuracy of 1μs.
Figure 1: Three bit synchronizers, Smart Source Selector and PCM decommutator channels