Group 30: Electrical system
Diagnostic Trouble Codes
Circuit description
The coolant level in the engine is monitored by a level
switch. Pin B23 on the engine control unit (EMS 2)
provides pin 1 on the level switch with a voltage. Pin 2
on the level switch is connected to battery negative via
pin B10 on the engine control unit.
The level switch has two states: On/Off.
The level switch consists of two sections, the actual
switch and a magnetic float which is built into the ex-
pansion tank. The switch senses the position of the
magnetic float. When the coolant level falls, the float
operates the switch and a closed circuit is formed.
Fault tracing
FMI 1 Coolant level is too low
Suitable action:
Check coolant level.
Bleed coolant water system.
If low coolant level check coolant water system for
leakage by a pressure test.
Check pressure valve in the coolant cup or try with
another coolant cup.
Check wiring to the coolant level switch.
Check function of coolant level switch.
FMI 3 Abnormally high voltage or short
circuit to higher voltage has been
Fault condition:
The voltage on pin B23 in the engine control unit is too
Possible reason:
• Short circuit to battery voltage on pin B23.
Suitable action:
Check cable harness and connectors between
coolant level monitor and EMS2.
coolant level