Diagnostic Trouble Codes
Group 30: Electrical system
FMI 14
Conditions for fault code:
Low or high flow through injector.
Possible reason:
Faulty injector: leakage in spill valve, increased
nozzle hole.
Suitable action:
Change only the faulty injector.
If any of the measurements shows an abnor-
mal value, check the wiring to and from the engine in-
Cut the current with the main switch.
Remove both wires that are connected to the in-
jector that is to be measured.
Remove connector A from the EMS 2.
Use multimeter 9812519 to do a resistance mea-
surement between connector A from the EMS 2 to
the loosened wires from the injector. See circuit
description which pin in the connector A to mea-
sure from.