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Section 8 – Signal Survey
8.1 New Installation Survey
This survey method is to determine acceptable locations for devices, annunciators and repeaters prior
to installing the equipment. It will also determine the quantity of repeaters required in the installation.
You will need a minimum of one Model AR-5 repeater and one Model 345(TS) Fire transmitter to
conduct the survey. The Model 345(TS) transmitter will serve as a repeater when conducting repeater
to repeater signal tests. If the installation requires smoke detectors you will need one to conduct the
survey. A magnet will also be required to activate the signal survey routine in the transmitters.
Begin by locating the dip switch SW2 on the repeater board. Refer to figure 4 for the switch location.
Set dip switch #1 of SW2 to the right or off position. Switches 2-6 should be on or to the left. Attach one
of the compatible antennas to connector A then connect the batteries to the repeater. Refer to figure 4
in this manual for correct wiring. The repeater is now waiting to receive a survey transmission from any
Begin by holding the repeater in the intended location of the CP-3600(+) facp. The first step is to survey
the reception area of the control panel and which devices can report directly to it without a repeater.
Use the type of transmitter that will be mounted in the location being tested. Install a battery in the
transmitter to be tested and a single beep should be emitted from the transmitters sounder followed by
two beeps indicating it has established communication with the repeater. The two beep confirmation
signal must be heard before the survey can be conducted. If the single beep is heard but the two beeps
are not, momentarily place a magnet next to the appropriate survey location of the transmitter being
used. Once the initial beep is heard the magnet can be removed while waiting for the confirmation
signal. Continue this until the one beep and two beep confirmation tones are both heard. Refer to the
device manual to locate the magnet survey location of each transmitter. Once repeater device
communication has been established the survey can begin.
Hold the device in the desired mounting location and initiate the survey signal test with the magnet held
to the appropriate location on the device under test. The start of the survey is indicated by a single beep
at the device and repeater. The end of the survey is indicated by either a single beep or two beeps at
the device only. A single beep is the indication of an unacceptable survey and two beeps indicates a
successful survey. A minimum of 5 consecutive successful surveys with the device held in the mounting
location must be accomplished to validate the location as an acceptable for mounting the device. If an
unacceptable survey is the result then communications between the repeater and device being tested
will have to be reestablished as described above to continue with the survey. Continue the survey until
the range of the CP-3600(+) location is established.
Once the device locations exceed the range of the CP-3600(+) a repeater location will have to be
determined to extend the installation to receive devices located outside the reception range of the CP-
3600(+). To test repeater to repeater communications use the repeater along with a Model 345(TS)
Fire transmitter. The Fire Transmitter must be used to simulate the second repeater. Do not use any
other transmitter for repeater to repeater testing. Choose a desired location for the first repeater. Hold
the Fire Transmitter at the desired repeater location and test for a good survey as described above. A
good survey must be established at this location before it can be used to locate a repeater and continue
the survey. Once an acceptable location has been determined, hold the repeater at this location and
continue to test devices for locations that result in acceptable surveys. When the range of this repeater