© 2017 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision
date and are subject to change without notice.
3600(+) will only silence its internal sounder. Pressing the Reset/Silence switch on the 5401B will
silence its internal sounder. The 5104B will also silence its sounder and fully reset when the CP-3600(+)
is reset either when the RESET key is pressed or all self-restoring troubles are restored. Note: Central
station notification of A/C loss in the CP-3600(+) will be delayed by 120 minutes. Central station
notification of A/C loss in the 5104B will be delayed by 60 minutes. Two A/C loss signals will be
transmitted off premises if both the CP-3600(+) and 5104B lose power simultaneously and both signals
will be delayed by the times stated above.
If any trouble condition occurs as a result of a problem with the 5104B it will not be annunciated on the
CP-3600(+). The 5104B will communicate the trouble to the central station. The internal sounder on
the 5104B can be silenced with the Reset/Silence switch on the 5104B unit. The 5104B will only restore
to normal when the trouble condition is resolved.
7.2 Keltron SDACT(-2)
The CP-3600(+) can be connected to a Keltron SDACT(-2) UL864 9
edition approved communicator.
When it is wired and programmed as detailed in this section the SDACT(-2) will allow off premises
central station notification of alarm types (A, B and C) and any trouble signals received by the CP-
3600(+) control panel. The SDACT(-2) uses standard SIA codes for alarm and trouble reporting. The
CP-3600(+) can also be connected to the serial port on the SDACT(-2) so point ID numbers can be
transmitted to the central station for each enrolled repeater and device. The communicator has the
capability of either 24 or 60 hour battery backup time.
7.2.1 Installation
Follow the instructions in the communicator manual for mounting the unit.
Note: All wiring must be in
conduit and contained within the same room. Use one of the recommended power supplies to
power the SDACT(-2). Do not wire the SDACT(-2) to use any power source directly from the CP-
7.2.2 Wiring
The wiring connections between the CP-3600(+) and SDACT(-2) are straight forward and will require
12 wires to be connected. Use the wire type and size recommended in the SDACT(-2) manual. Refer
to figure 9 for the wiring diagram. All of the wiring is power limited. Always run power limited and non-
power limited wiring in separate conduit. Maintain at least ¼” between power limited and non-power
limited wiring within each enclosure. A cable (CWSI P/N CA-SDACT(-2)-DE9M) will also be required to
connect TB5 or the CP-3600(+) to the serial input connector of the SDACT(-2). To route the serial cable
start at the SDACT(-2) and feed the small connector through the conduit until it reaches the CP-3600(+).
It is recommended that a dedicated piece of conduit be used for this cable as the fit will be tight. The
excess cable can be stored in either the CP-3600(+) or the SDACT(-2). Plug the small connector end
into TB5 on the CP-3600(+) board and the DB-9 connector into the serial input on the SDACT(-2). The
CP-3600(+) N.O. Alarm A, Alarm B and Alarm C outputs will be connected to the SDACT(-2) Zones 1,
2 and 3 respectively. The N.C. contacts of the CP-3600(+) trouble relay output will be connected to the
SDACT(-2) Zone 4 input. Use the EOL resistors supplied with the SDACT(-2) to terminate the
connections at the CP-3600(+). The EOL resistors for monitoring the alarm wiring should be connected
to the upper TB2 terminal block across each N.O. alarm output relay A, B and C on the CP-3600(+).
The alarm wiring connections on the CP-3600(+) should be connected to the lower terminals of TB2
across each N.O. alarm output relay A, B and C. The EOL resistor for the trouble relay output is wired
in series with the Zone 4 input on the SDACT(-2) dialer. The trouble input of the CP-3600(+) will be