© 2017 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision
date and are subject to change without notice.
3.4.1 Enrolling Devices, Annunciators and Repeaters
Warning: All devices, annunciators and repeaters must be enrolled into the CP-3600(+) control
panel. Initiating devices, annunciators and repeaters will not report alarms or troubles until they
are enrolled. Audible notification devices will not sound for alarm until enrolled and
programmed. Do not install batteries in any device or apply power to any repeater or
annunciator until the CP-3600(+) is in enrollment mode.
Device enrollment allows the CP-3600(+)
to accept signals from that device. It also programs the base code into the device and stores the serial
number into the CP-3600(+) memory. The main system normal screen must be showing before the CP-
3600(+) can be placed into enrollment mode. If any alarms or troubles are showing on the LCD, reset
the CP-3600(+) to gain access to the PROGRAM soft key. While the main screen is showing, press the
program soft key to display the program menu selections. If necessary, use the UP/DOWN keys to
highlight DEVICE ENROLLMENT then press the ENTER key to place the CP-3600(+) in enrollment
mode. The following screen will appear.
Note: The CP-3600(+) will remain in enrollment mode indefinitely until the BACK key is pressed
or an alarm is received. A trouble will not cause the system to exit enrollment mode.
Devices, annunciators and repeaters can be enrolled anywhere in the installation provided the device
being enrolled is within RF reception range of any enrolled repeater or the CP-3600(+) panel. Keep in
mind that you can only enroll a maximum of 100 devices to any one repeater or direct to the CP-
3600(+). To enroll a device, annunciator or repeater simply install the battery or for a repeater, connect
either battery or a/c power. The unit being enrolled will beep twice indicating it has established
communication with a repeater.
It can take up to 30 seconds for the two beeps and enrollment to
occur. If the unit does not enroll or the two beeps are not heard within 30 seconds, remove and
reapply power to the unit being enrolled.
The following are reasons why a unit will not enroll:
1. The CP-3600(+) is not in enrollment mode. Place the CP-3600(+) in enrollment mode.
2. The unit being enrolled is not within RF range of an enrolled repeater or the CP-3600(+)
panel. Make sure it is in reception range of a repeater or the CP-3600(+).
3. The unit being enrolled already has a base code programmed in it. Clear the base code
from the unit. Refer to the individual device manual for instructions on how to clear the
base code.
D e v i c e E n r o l l m e n t
L o o k i n g F o r D e v i c e s
D e v i c e F o u n d : 0 0 0 0
P o w e r u p d e v i c e t o b e e n r o l l e d