© 2017 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision
date and are subject to change without notice.
To change a turn “Off Button” field, move the cursor to the turn off button output field and press ENTER.
Use the UP/DOWN buttons to change the selection to the desired setting then press ENTER to exit
edit mode. Press the save soft key to save your changes or cancel to abort the changes.
4.7 Supervisory Setup
The CP-3600(+) can be used for supervisory applications. The CP-3600(+) can be programmed to
display sprinkler supervisory alarms from devices programmed for alarm priority C. One application
example would be a model 345(TS) Fire Transmitter whose input is wired to monitor a water flow tamper
switch. Only alarm priority C can be used for this application.
Important: All of the following items
MUST be adhered to for a sprinkler supervisory alarm to report properly.
1. Any model 345(TS) Fire Transmitter used for sprinkler supervisory must be
programmed for alarm priority C.
2. The sprinkler supervisory feature of the CP-3600(+) must be turned on as described in
this section.
3. Select the appropriate device type for the sprinkler supervisory transmitters as
required for the application.
The supervisory signals can also be programmed to auto-restore. This option if desired should be
chosen during system setup if possible. Turning supervisory auto-restore or alarm C supervisory on or
off after devices are programmed to alarm level C will require a system reboot.
4.7.1 Accessing the Supervisory Setup Screen
To access the CP-3600(+) supervisory setup screen, press the program soft key on the main system
normal screen. Scroll down to CP-3600(+) Setup and press ENTER. The CP-3600(+) setup menu will
now be displayed. Highlight Supervisory Setup and press ENTER. The following screen will be
4.7.2 Programming the Sprinkler Supervisory Options
To activate or deactivate the Sprinkler Supervisory options, simply press ENTER to edit the field then
use UP/DOWN to make the desired selection. Choosing On activates the feature and Off deactivates
it. Press ENTER to exit edit mode and save the change. The first option if turned on will make alarms
S u p e r v i s o r y O p t i o n
A l a r m C S u p e r v i s o r y : O f f
S u p e r v i s o r y A u t o - R e s t o r e : O f f