© 2017 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision
date and are subject to change without notice.
command will stay active and will allow devices and other repeaters to link to it causing those devices,
annunciators and repeaters to show a test failure trouble on the system.
Always remove all power to
a device, annunciator or repeater and allow it to show a test failure trouble on the CP-3600(+)
before deleting it. Note: Deleting a device, annunciator or repeater will cause a checksum bad
trouble on the CP-3600(+). Refer to the WRA-3 manual for information on clearing a checksum
bad trouble.
4.4.3 Device Zone Assignment
Use of zone assignment to section areas of an installation is common practice in the fire alarm industry.
It offers flexibility to assign devices to activate audible notification devices, NAC’s and other outputs as
needed in the installation or required by local authorities. The CP-3600(+) has 1500 available zones for
use. These will be entered as 001-1500. Zones only need to be entered in installations which require
audible notification devices, NAC, RB relays or model 301 tandems smoke detectors to activate. Simple
annunciation only installations do not necessarily require zone programming. Refer to section 4.8 for
model 301 zone programming instructions.
The zones are split into seven groups, 001-799, 800-889, 890, 891-895, 896-899, 900-999 and 1000-
1500. The first and sixth zone group 001-799 and 1000-1500 applies to alarms. The second zone group
800-889 applies to alarms and requires two devices in the same zone to be in alarm in order for the
zone to become active. The third group contains one zone 890 which can be used in the SR-5, RM-5
or RB box (relays 1-5 only) for a 3 second momentary activation of the relay which is assigned this
zone when the control panel is reset. The fourth group 891-895 is reserved for future use. The fifth
group 896-899 is the global zones group for tandem devices. Only 899 is in use at this time for the
model 301 smoke detectors. The alarm zones 001-889 and 1000-1500 can be used to activate audible
notification devices, CP-3600 form C relays 1+2, repeater NAC’s, RB series relay box relays, RM-5
module, SR-5 wireless relay or model 301 tandem smoke detectors when an alarm is initiated from a
device. The seventh group trouble zones 900-999 can be used to activate RB series relay box relays,
RM-5 module or SR-5 wireless relay when any trouble condition is transmitted from that particular
transmitter programmed with the trouble zones. Never assign trouble zones to audible notification
devices or outputs intended for connection to notification appliances. Zones cannot be assigned to
annunciators. Refer to table 2 for a summary of the zone allocations.
In order to activate NAC’s or relay box relays, zones also need to be programmed into the repeater.
Refer to the section on repeater NAC/relay programming for instructions on how to program zones into
a repeater. When a device with a programmed zone initiates an alarm or trouble and that device zone
matches any zone programmed into a repeaters NAC’s or relays that output will activate. Keep in mind
that each device and repeater output can be programmed with up to 5 zones each. This method of
programming allows virtually any installation requirement to be met.
To assign zones to a device access the edit screen for the desired device as described in the previous
section. Move the cursor to the first digit in the zone field and press ENTER. The three characters for
the first zone will be highlighted. Use the UP/DOWN and LEFT/RIGHT keys to select each number and
move between digits of the first zone. The 5 zones are separate fields so to move to zones 2-5 press
ENTER to exit edit mode and use the LEFT/RIGHT keys to move the cursor to the next zone entry field.
Press ENTER to highlight it and edit as needed. When all of the zones have been entered as desired,
press the ENTER key to exit the edit mode. The zone field will now be unselected. Don’t forget to save
your information.