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Section 7 - Digital Alarm Communicators
The CP-3600(+) can be connected to a digital alarm communicator in installations requiring off premise
reporting to a central station. The Silent Knight 5104B and Keltron SDACT(-2) are the two compatible
models. The following sections explain proper wiring and programming of these dialers when they are
connected to the CP-3600(+).
7.1 Silent Knight Model 5104B
The CP-3600(+) can be connected to a Silent Knight Model 5104B UL864 9
edition approved
communicator. When it is wired and programmed as detailed in this section the 5104B will allow off
premises central station notification of all alarm types (A, B, C, D) and any trouble signals received by
the CP-3600(+) control panel. The communicator has the capability of either 24 or 60 hour battery
backup time.
7.1.1 Installation
Follow the instructions in the communicator manual for mounting the unit.
Note: The communicator
must be installed such that the display annunciation at each unit can be simultaneously
observed. All wiring must be in conduit and contained within the same room.
The 5104B should
be configured for standalone operation. The 5104B will use its own power supply and back up batteries
as a power source.
Do not wire the 5104B to use any power source directly from the CP-3600(+).
7.1.2 Wiring
The wiring connections between the CP-3600(+) and 5104B are straight forward and will require 10
wires to be connected. Use the wire type and size recommended in the 5104B manual. All of the wiring
is power limited. Always run power limited and non-power limited wiring in separate conduit. Maintain
at least ¼” between power limited and non-power limited wiring within each enclosure. The CP-3600(+)
N.O. Alarm A, Alarm B, Alarm C and Alarm D outputs will be connected to the 5104B Zones 2, 3, 4 and
5 respectively. The N.C. contacts of the CP-3600(+) trouble relay output will be connected to the 5104B
Zone 6 input. All of the connections are supervised by the communicator. Use the EOL resistors
supplied with the 5104B to terminate the connections at the CP-3600(+). The EOL resistors for
monitoring the alarm wiring should be connected to the upper TB2 terminal block across each N.O.
alarm output relay A, B, C, and D on the CP-3600(+). The alarm wiring connections on the CP-3600(+)
should be connected to the lower terminals of TB2 across each N.O. alarm output relay A, B, C and D.
The EOL resistor for the trouble output is wired in series with the Zone 6 input on the 5104B dialer.
Zone 1 on the 5104B is not used and must be terminated in Class A configuration at the communicator
terminals. Refer to figure 8 for proper wiring connections.
7.1.3 Programming
The 5104B must be programmed for standalone operation as described in the communicator manual.
There is one possible programming change in the 5104B from the default settings. The change
is for programming Zone 4 on the 5104B to report as a sprinkler supervisory. Zone 4 must be
programmed to report as sprinkler supervisory if Alarm C on the CP-3600(+) is programmed for
supervisory operation. This setting will make the CP-3600(+) and 5104B compliant to the UL 864
Note: The programming instructions in this manual are intended to make the interface
between the CP-3600(+) and 5104B UL 864 compliant. You must program the 5104B with the
telephone number, account info etc. in order to report to the central station properly. Refer to the 5104B