© 2017 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision
date and are subject to change without notice.
5.2.4 SW2 Dip Switch
The SW2 dip switch is located in the upper right side of the repeater pc board. Refer to figure 6. The
dip switch is used to select whether the repeater board is a CP-3600(+) receiver or an AR-5 repeater.
Switch positions 3+4 should be to the right or off position and switch positions 1,5 and 6 should always
be to the left for a CP-3600(+). Switch 2 is for synchronization of the nac circuits when using compatible
Gentex products. To activate sync, push switch 2 to the right towards the word sync. Any dip switch
changes will require power cycling the CP-3600(+).
5.2.5 USB Jack J35 on receiver
This connector is for factory use only. Refer to figure 6 for location.
5.2.6 Ethernet Connection
The Ethernet connector is located on the bottom right corner of the main CP-3600(+) board as shown
in figure 4. This connection is for factory use only. No user information can be obtained from this
connector. The MAC address of the system can be found on the Ethernet jack.
5.2.7 USB Connector
This connector is located on the lower right side of the main CP-3600(+) board as shown in figure 4.
This connector is for downloading WRA-3 programming information with the WRA-3 programming
tool. Refer to the WRA-3 manual for more information.
5.2.8 Relay Expansion Connector
The relay expansion connector is not for use in the CP-3600(+) control panel.
5.2.9 Dialer Connector TB5
This connector is for use with the Keltron SDACT(-2) dialer. It requires CWSI cable P/N CA-SDACT-
DE9M. Refer to section 7 for more information.
Section 6 - System Interface and Operation
6.1 Visual Displays, User Interface and Internal Sounder
An LCD and LEDS are used to provide visual indications for current status of the CP-3600(+). The LCD
display will show the current status and display menus for programming the CP-3600(+). LEDS are
provided for indication of A/C Power, Alarm, Supervisory, Trouble, Signal Silence and Test. The
membrane switch panel is used to control and program all aspects of the CP-3600(+). Refer to figure
7. The LCD, LEDS and button functions are described below.
6.1.1 LCD
The 5” diagonal 345 x 240 backlit LCD allows for pinpoint status display of any abnormal conditions
occurring as well as programming information and other useful necessary information as mentioned
throughout this manual. The backlight will illuminate as follows:
A/C power applied:
1. Continuously when an alarm, supervisory or trouble is present on the CP-3600(+).
2. For 3 minutes after a button on the keypad is pressed.