© 2017 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision
date and are subject to change without notice.
4.2 Menu Selection and Navigation
4.2.1 Menu Basics
The CP-3600(+) menus can only be accessed if the main system normal screen below is showing on
the LCD. Menu access is not allowed if any Alarm, Supervisory or Trouble signals are present on the
LCD. These conditions must be reset so the main screen is showing before any menu selections will
appear. When any menu is chosen a 3 minute timer will start. If any menu activity such as navigation
or field editing is not performed within 3 minutes the CP-3600(+) will revert back to the main screen and
any unsaved changes will be lost. If an Alarm or Supervisory signal is received while in any menu the
CP-3600(+) will abort the menu/programming functions and display the Alarm or Supervisory condition
on the LCD and any unsaved programming information will be lost. If a Trouble signal is received it will
not abort the menu/programming functions. All other trouble indications will occur except displaying the
trouble. When the user exits all menus the trouble condition will be displayed.
CP-3600(+) Main Screen
4.2.2 Menu Selections
The following flow charts outline the main menu selections and associated sub menus. Refer to this
section to locate a particular menu when it is referenced in this manual.
0 6 : 2 7 P M
1 1 / 2 2 / 2 0 0 7
C o n f i g
P r o g r a m
L o g s I n f o
C P - 3 6 0 0 ( + )
S y s t e m N o r m a l