© 2017 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision
date and are subject to change without notice.
Sample alarm screen showing device type location
To change the device type, access the edit screen for the desired device. Move the cursor to the device
type field and press ENTER. The device type field will now be highlighted. Use the UP/DOWN keys to
scroll through the available selections. When the desired device type is shown, press ENTER to select
it and exit the edit mode. The available selections are Pull Station, Alarm, Heat Detector, CO Detector,
Duct Detector, Flame Detector, Beam Detector, Waterflow, Tamper Switch, PIV, OS&Y, FACP, Remote
Reset, Heat/Smoke, Smoke Detector and Remote Trouble. After the selection is made, be sure to save
your changes.
4.4.6 Entering Device, Annunciator and Repeater Description
This section applies to devices, annunciators and repeaters. The CP-3600(+) description field cannot
be edited. Any trouble condition with the CP-3600(+) will display the device type as CP-3600(+) and
the description field will be blank. The description is limited to 16 characters and can contain letters,
numbers and symbols. To enter or change a description, access the device edit screen for the desired
device. Move the blinking cursor to the description field and press ENTER. The description field will
now be highlighted.
The legends above the soft keys indicate the different groups of characters that can be entered. The
current character group will be displayed in all capital letters. The choice defaults to ALPHA meaning
letters A-Z. To select a different group, press the appropriate soft key under the desired group and the
legend for that group will now be displayed in capital letters. The group can be changed at any time
while entering the description.
The ALPHA group contains the letters A-Z in both upper and lower case. Press the UP key and a capital
A will be displayed. Use the UP key to advance to capital B etc. The lower case letters are chosen by
advancing past all of the capital letters or by pressing the DOWN key while the capital A is shown.
The NUMBER group contains the numbers 0-9. Press the UP key and the number 0 will be displayed.
Use the UP key to advance to 1 etc.
The SYMBOL group contains common symbols such as parenthesis, colon, comma, greater and less
than etc. Press the UP key to advance through the symbols until the desired one is displayed.
1 2 : 0 0 : 0 0 P M A l a r m L e v e l A 0 1 / 0 1 / 0 9
ALPHA Number Symbol
A l a r m 0 4 8 1 1 d 1 1 : 5 9 : 0 0 P M 0 1 / 0 1 / 0 9
P u l l S t a t i o n E a s t S t a i r w e l l
Device type