© 2017 Johnson Controls. All rights reserved. All specifications and other information shown were current as of document revision
date and are subject to change without notice.
4.3.1Set Time and Date
To set the time and date press the ENTER key while the set time and date menu choice is highlighted.
The set time and date screen below will be shown.
The blinking cursor will appear under the hour in the time field. Follow the instructions in section 4.2.3
for field editing and make the necessary changes to adjust the clock to the proper time. The hour,
minutes and AM/PM settings are considered one field so after you highlight and set the hour use the
RIGHT button to highlight the minute field. After the minute is set use the RIGHT key to move to the
AM/PM field and set it. When you have time correctly set press the ENTER key to stop edit mode. Use
the same procedure to set the date and the Auto Update DST setting. When the DST is off the clock
will not be updated automatically for daylight savings time. If DST is on the clock will be automatically
adjusted for daylight saving time. The DST time changes are in accordance to government parameters
as of JULY 2009. After making the desired changes press the SAVE soft key to save the new settings
and display the Initial Configuration Menu. Pressing CANCEL will abort any changes and display the
Initial Configuration Menu screen.
4.3.2 Password Reset
To change the password highlight the Password Setup menu choice on the Initial Configuration Menu
screen and press ENTER. The screen below will be shown. The default password is 3000.
S e t T i m e a n d D a t e
C a n c e l
T i m e : 0 3 : 0 0 P M
D a t e : 0 1 / 0 1 / 2 0 0 9
A u t o U p d a t e D S T : O N
P a s s w o r d R e s e t
C a n c e l
E n t e r O l d P a s s w o r d :
E n t e r N e w P a s s w o r d :