Appendix R
Modem Uploads
Data collected in the TriCoder can be uploaded to a host via a Hayes-compatible
modem. Either the host or the TriCoder can initiate the upload by dialing and
establishing the connection.
Modem communication is simple on the TriCoder side – it is the host
application that can be difficult. Only someone experienced with modem
communications in general and has a good understanding of their host
application should attempt this type of uploading.
Successful modem communications
Cabling can be the deciding factor in your success or failure to upload via
modem. Getting your cables from us can help to eliminate the possibility
that your cabling is causing a problem. The F32A and F46B are specially
wired for modems; DSR is cut and RTS is jumpered to CTS to defeat the
"RTS/CTS enabled" feature on some modems.
Portable modems often require the DTR line to be forced high. The top
jumper on the TriCoder circuit board can be set from its default setting of
NC to H. Separate the halves of the TriCoder (by removing the four
recessed screws on the back of the Tricoder) and locate the top jumper
above the EPROM (labeled with a COPYRIGHT MESSAGE) on the left
edge of the board. Move the top jumper from NC setting to the H side to
force DTR to always be high. See the diagram in Appendix B, Firmware
and Model Upgrades for a picture of the TriCoder circuit board.
Dial-up by TriCoder to Host
Dial-up to a host by the TriCoder is fairly simple as long as you make sure
that the TriCoder is configured properly. XMODEM is the protocol of
choice but Polled with ACK/NAK can be used also. Using XMODEM
with common applications such as Procomm and Windows' Hyperterminal
is a popular choice for modem uploads.
Configuring the TriCoder…
To get to the host through an external modem, the TriCoder needs to dial
the receiving computer. Use the Dialing String parameter (which is limited
to use with only the “Polling with ACK/NAK” or XMODEM protocols) on
the Setup Menu. The Dialing String parameter is specified by scanning the
following bar codes on the Setup Menu:
1. Start
2. Dialing
3. Up to 24 Characters scanned from the Full ASCII
Menu, the last character must NOT be a CR
4. SET
5. End